Festival Ultrazvuka uz Bolster, MIDES i PIUR imaging na festivalu ultrazvuka
na Festivalu Ultrazvuka u organizaciji Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora i Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Gornik, dr. med. izložili smo proizvode i usluge MIDES (bežičnu sondu myMides i popravak ultrazvučnih sondi), te PIUR Imaging (inventivni sustav za tomografski 3D prikaz koristeći postojeće ultrazvuke)
Zahvaljujemo dragim posjetiteljima na posjetu i interesu i organizatorima za super organizaciju
EN: at the Ultrasound Festival organized by the Croatian Medical Association and Prof. Ph.D. Ivan Gornik, MD we exhibited MIDES products and services (myMides wireless probe and ultrasound probe repair), and PIUR Imaging (inventive system for tomographic 3D imaging using existing ultrasounds).
We would like to thank the dear visitors for their visit and interest and the organizers for the great organization